Ka Aesthetics & Wellness


Aesthetic Medicine comprises all medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient, using non-invasive to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Aesthetic treatments include things like: *Neurotoxins and Dermal Fillers injections *Chemical Peels and Skin Rejuvenation *Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments *Micro-needling *LED light therapy ... Read More

Aesthetic Medicine comprises all medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient, using non-invasive to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Aesthetic treatments include things like:
*Neurotoxins and Dermal Fillers injections
*Chemical Peels and Skin Rejuvenation
*Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments
*LED light therapy
*Health/wellness coaching
*Nutrition coaching/planning

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Located at: 402 E 13th St, Huntingburg
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